18 November 2008

Taste: The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking

Our Lady's Abingdon enjoyed a visit by author Kate Colquhoun whose book Taste: the story of Britain through its cooking came out last year. Two hugely entertaining and knowledgeable illustrated talks brought history to life by examining food and cooking.
Year 9's talk focussed on changes after World War 1 for the rich, poor and middle income families: food availability, its preparation and cooking, and the development of technology surrounding food.
Year 8 were fascinated by the topic of food in Tudor times. We found out why Henry VIII changed British fish eating habits and Elizabeth I's favourite food. After the talk questions flowed, fuelled by the fact that Year 8 will be designing their own Tudor dessert in a Cook's Apprentice competition to be judged by our own Alan Sugar.
Kate encouraged us to think of history not just in a text book but through the lives of people. We can find out about their life in their letters and diaries but it is also recorded in paintings, and seen in historical houses, gardens and kitchens. It has certainly left many of us with taste to revisit the largest kitchens of Tudor England at Hampton Court. Our thanks to Kate Colquhoun for coming.