31 December 2008

National Year of Reading

As 2008 National Year of Reading draws to a close there is much to celebrate. Its main achievements have been to raise the profile of reading and gain recognition for the value of and pleasure in reading for millions. Here are just a few of the highlights, arranged by number, for the National Year of Reading as listed on the NYR website:
*400 million opportunities to view NYR messages in regional or national press
*2 million new library members
*250,000 picture books distributed via The Sun
*30,000 Quick Reads distributed via News of the World
*23,000 more boys taking part in The Summer Reading Challenge
*Over 1,250 articles on Wikireadia, the good practice guide to reading
*Nearly 6,000 reading events registered on the NYR website
*150 NYR coordinators (one in each upper tier local authority) across England leading partnerships and delivering activities for their communities.
2009 will see on-going commitment and a campaign Reading for Life.
Happy Reading!