02 March 2009

Red House Children's Book Award

Books have been nominated by children across the country, and these are the top ten books published in 2008, chosen by them!

The Older Reader category features two OLA visitors, Sophie McKenzie and Chris Bradford. The titles are:
Young Samurai: The Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford
Blood Ties by Sophie McKenzie
Broken Soup by Jenny Valentine.
Copies of these books are in the Library. Voting to select the top book in this section closes 11 May. You need to have read all 3 books to vote 1, 2, 3.

The Younger Readers shortlist:
CIA - The Wild West Moo-nster by Steve Cole
Daisy and the Trouble with Zoos by Kes Gray
The Cat Who Liked Rain by Henning Mankell.

The Younger Children shortlist:
The Pencil by Allan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingman
Beware of the Frog by William Bee
A Lark in the Ark by Peter Bently and Lynne Chapman
The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf by Liz Pichon.

More information and how to vote.