26 July 2009

Summer Reading Challenge

Can you read six books over the summer? Yes, of course you can! I want to encourage you to read over the summer. Read anything, but don’t stop! You could even challenge your mum or dad to do the same, or read the same books as you do.

If you are about to join Our Lady's in September then you will have received the OLA Summer Reading Challenge in your pack. Another way is to go along to your local public library and take part in Quest Seekers during the school summer holidays. There are games, activities, jokes, messages, and author blogs to enjoy as you read your books.

When you complete the challenge by reading six or more books will receive a certificate. There’s a super website http://questseekers.org.uk All you need to do now is get reading!

It’s free to join your public library. You’ll need an adult to sign the membership form, and then you can borrow up to 20 books! More info at Kids & Teens @ Libraries, http://kidlib.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Another huge advantage is that public library membership gives you (and your family) access to Reference Online. You probably don't want to know this at the start of your summer holidays but that includes being able to use all three versions of Encyclopedia Britannica for free!