01 September 2009

A Summer's Reading

Welcome back! What have you read during the last two months?

Over the holiday I hope many of you will have enjoyed the leisure time to read. New Year 7s - bring in your OLA Summer Reading Challenge or your Quest Seekers certificate for a commendation. Year 8s and 9s - a book review will earn you a commendation. Bring it or email it to the Library.

New for senior school - OLA Fast News. Click on the link, also in the side bar on the right, to access all the major news services in English, French, Spanish, and for science, sport and business.

This term in the school library: the start of the Reading Olympics and reading buddies, book clubs, book chains, a book swap, 'poetree', Kids' Lit Quiz heats, and very soon: Around the World in 80 Books....